
Some other points

Herefore are some more comments on Miron's article "The Search for Jewish Nationalism" from Head Wide Open and Alex 'Eisod', which we decided to publish as a separate post.

After examining in further detail some of the positions associated with this nascent movement, I'd like to inject some of my own thoughts and critiques.

a Israel

My own personal position is that of general support for Israel but rejection for the typical Zionist position. I have been to Israel and while I found it a beautiful and inspiring place, I do not consider it "my" country. Rather it belongs to the pioneers who built it and struggled for it. I have observed that cheerleading for Israel has often taken the place of any broader and more nuanced Jewish identity. "Zionism" is an anachronism. If the purpose of Zionism is the establishment of a Jewish state, that state has been established. By turning the recognition of the existence of a nation into an "ism," we only propagate Israel's status among many minds as a rogue or artificial state. Israelis need to further coalesce their own identity as a Levantine state, and the paranoid, ghetto mentality of the Israel-or-nothing diaspora, most pathetically symbolized by the alliance with Christian Zionists who would see the Jews convert with the coming of Christ, is in the long run harmful to Israel's nationhood. Let us tap our own rich diaspora histories and let the Israelis build on theirs, rather than attaching our whole identity to a nation which is of course dear to us, but is not synonymous with Judaism and the Jewish people.

a The Holocaust/Anti-Semitism

A touchy issue of course, though I speak as one with no near relatives who suffered. So it's perhaps easier for me to say this but: let us not be defined by our tragedies. The litigious pursuit of marginal white supremacists is counter-productive, bringing more attention to them than less. Would Ernst Zundel be in the papers if he wasn't constantly being prosecuted? Of course not. He'd be a deranged hack with a website like thousands of others. One of the most heartening things I came across in recent times was the Israeli Holocaust cartoon contest, in response to the Iranian debacle. Now there is a brilliant, subversive and classically Jewish way to fight our enemies: expose their ridiculousness through our own free speech and superior irony. Let us focus less on Jewish lawyers and more on Jewish wit in fighting the useful idiots. If we want to create more anti-Semites, let's continue to sue fools and throw our suffering in people's faces. If we want to win sympathy, let's focus on the ingenuity, industriousness and humour which have earned our people respect.

a Religion

Personally I am not observant, though I come from an observant family. I understand the secularist attitudes of this group, and mostly agree. However I think it's counterproductive and ahistorical to ignore the fact that our nation through much of its history has been a nation of priests. Religion is strongly entwined with Jewish identity. From my understanding Russian Jews tend far more towards secularism, which is fine. But even if we don't believe the Bible, it is still our national mythology. The Ethiopians have the Kebra Negest, the Icelanders have their Viking sagas, the Chinese the Confucian aphorisms etc. So I support the secular orientation of this group, but think that we should respect the religious aspect of our history even if we don't agree with all its precepts. Let us not forget that the Jewish religious scholar tradition is part of the reason so many Jews went on to become successful and world-changing intellectuals, and why we tend to be an extremely educated and literate people.

- by Head Wide Open

Israel is not "my" state either and I don't feel connected with its middle eastern nature. I just not into this lifestyle! But still I love and cherish all good Israeli people who managed to do a helluva good stuff while being surrounded by hostile environment. So they have my respect yet I do not wish to live among them because its just not my place. My spiritual motherland is a European Diaspora who may not exist on the maps but do exist in hearts and minds of Ashkenazi Jewry.

As to various Jew-haters, well the prosecution is the best advertise for them, because in every age and epoch you can find some people who hate Jews with passion and ready to become martyrs of anti-Jewish struggle. So best way to deal with such kind its ridicule them, not prosecute!

As about religion...well its one really sensitive question, so before I say something, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts both on Judaism and its heretical offsprings such as modern non-orthodox movements, Sabbatianism, different kabbalist sects...

- by Alex 'Eisod'

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