

Welcome to the Postindustrial World

For the last twenty years we have witnessed the fundamental change in the established world order. The Yalta, Potsdam, Helsinki agreements were practically terminated; a total review of the after World War 2 power balance is being performed. Colonial empires and national states are currently being replaced with high-tech corporations; classical powers either develop into peak progressive enclaves with the highest life quality or jettison as a useless ballast into raw-exports level, space for environment-damaging industries and source for cheap labor force, which value impacts dramatically as automation is introduced.

The world order rearrangement applies modern Jewry in the hardest way. Presently the prospect opening is not the most pleasant one. What is the modern Jewry? Which problems unite us? What should we expect from tomorrow? It is obvious that present Jewry is possessed with hardest internal contradictions.

We have no single identity

Who shall we consider a Jew: a Judaist, an ethnical Jew with European roots, an Israel citizen? We mistake conceptions, belonging to the different eras and in different world order types but at the same time we do not ask ourselves “who will be called a Jew in the changed world order after a year? After ten years? After half a century?”

We are obsessed with neuroses inflicted from outside

We are forced to experience the most painful, self-deprecating myths of the past, while the progressive heroic mythology is being forgotten or banned. In the early childhood a Jew gets to know about victims of Churben, but why no one tells him about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, about the Jewish Resistance heroes, about the Jewish partisan parties, who fought against the Axis countries forces? The governmental judophobic policy, which took place in Russian Empire and later on in Soviet Union is wide known, there are many stories describing the horrors of shtetls life and pogroms – but why do we hear nothing about the passionarities who escaped from getto to Transuralia, to the Near East; about those, who gave an armed rebuff to pogroms and defended their families? Finally, why the heroic mythology layer of the Arabic-Israel wars is only known by historians and military, while media including those in Israel boost the shameful loses of the late years?

We have no self-interest state

Well, there is Israel on the world map. However series of drastic surrenders in domestic and foreign policy perpetrated by the Israel officials with the silent support or approval from the world public raises a question of Israel very existence. This is why we cannot claim that Jews have their own truly independent state, which possesses subjectivity and is able to defend interests of both its citizens and Jews all over the world in case of radicalization of Judophobic dispositions. Thus it is even more annoying that presently the official Jewish mainstream forces all the Jews to live in Israel which practically means: “Either you squeeze on a small wisp of land surrounded by the hostile nations while your government does not even intend to take care of you or you are not a Jew”.

We are forced to choose between equally unpleasant prospects

Are you an Orthodox? Then live in ghetto, wear ludicrous clothes of the year before last. Are you a Zionist? Then go to Israel and don’t stick your neck out. Are you a well-educated secularist supporting liberal society? Then assimilate, let Jewry be nothing more than a decorative menorah on a shelf. And better do not forget that in Israel you will always be a second-class Jew. And so on.

It positively does not meet our views

Do we have any other options? Yes we have them. As it has been said above, the national states form is dying out in postindustrial world, it is being replaced with a network of high-tech enclaves, while the extracting and processing capacities are placed outside. Actually it means a return to the classical Mediterranean / European scheme of the city-states, professional gilds, religious and banking orders, but on the brand new level. We have all potential to fit into postindustrial as a territorial subject and get our own “environmental niche”.

That is what we are concerned with. Our present activity consists in mutually beneficial connections formation between active Jewish groups and individuals, creating the consolidating progressive mythology, cleaning out our history from the forced neuroses and painful fixations. We would like to see Jewry renewed, enlightened, and able to defend its interests, possessing its own territories and fitted into postindustrial world order on the worthy level.

We are building New Israel.

- by NeoJews.Org

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