
The Jewish Island Madagascar

It is time for the world Jewry to answer a question: how does it value itself and its role in the rapidly changing reality? Presently Zionism and “Jewish officials” offered us 2 ways:

- Israel with its artificial idea of Zionism - Dissolution in the “alternative motherland” among the natives

We are supposed to have nothing more to choose.

Why Madagascar?

To begin with, Madagascar is the most tightly connected to Russian “external land”. At the same time it is an island, which has historically been close to other European countries (funny enough to the countries with a high percentage of Jewish population). The Russians made two important attempts to understand geopolitically the image of the Great Island. The image of the far island unknown (Ultima Thule) – is actually a universal component of any developed national worldview. This image may vary from the fully conceptual antipode of the home country where everything is intentionally different to on the contrary the distant secret twin – a place to escape, a country of spiritual seeking. Originally Russian Ultima Thule is Buyan Island, Byelovodye, island Khortytsia in Zaporizhia. From the beginning of XVIII century it is Madagascar.

Tsar Peter I had been the first to be inspired with the idea of having Madagascar under the Russian patronage. The appeal for the monarchial support from the pirate Caspar Morgan, who declared himself a king of the island, became its motive. According to contemporaries, “the expedition had been prepared in such a rush as if the destiny of the whole state depended on it”.

In 1721 the Swedish admiral Daniel Wilster appeared at Peter I court. Additionally to the willing to join the royal service, admiral introduced the project of the secret expedition to the tsar. The tsar accepted the project and preparations began. Frigates “Amsterdam Galei” and “De Crohn de Livde” got ready for entering the sea. In December 1726 the vessels left the Reval harbor. The passage was so confidential that the ships were only let to enter the Atlantics not through La Manche but rounding the British islands; they were prohibited to enter any foreign harbors. The ships went under the English and Portuguese merchant vessels’ banners. Not trusting the admiral Peter ordered 2 officers captains of the vessels to secretly watch for him.

There was also a second such attempt. In 1771 a Hungary-polish noble Morits August Benevsky headed an escape of 90 Kamchatka exiles (there were only 5 foreigners among them, others – Russians and Poles) and arrived to Madagascar. Soon natives declared him a king. It is interesting that Benevsky always titled himself “Tsar Pavel Petrovich’s courier” (25 years before Pavel actually became tsar). In case that Benevsky was alive until Pavel I became tsar, Madagascar would have become Russian island.

In the end, Madagascar became a French land. However the idea of “exclave” “territory for all” is not dead. Moreover, in the beginning of XX century and particularly after the end of World War I there could hardly be no desire among the leading world countries’ elites to give Jews their own land – practically Jews at that time were considered as one of few nations, who lacked their own nationhood. At the same time media as well as official Zionism had a judophobic view on the events around the Jewish attempts to get nationhood in Madagascar.

The official version in these circles is that in the beginning of 1938 Hitler assigned Adolf Eichmann to start collecting materials for the “external policy solution of the Jewish question”. The idea of British judophobes Henry Hamilton Beamish and Arnold Leese and Dutch Egon van Winghene concerning the European Jews deportation to Madagascar – a French colony in those years was planned as a supposed base. In 1937 Poland, which strived for speeding up the Jews deportation got an approval from France to visit Madagascar with a familiarization delegation. The delegation head – Mechislav Lepetskiy supposed that it is possible to settle from 40 to 60 thousands of Polish Jews on the Madagascar highlands. The intergovernmental united committee had been created in order to realize allocation. London got also interested in “Madagascar plan” for the English were not satisfied with the Jewish claims of a government in the territory of British Palestine assignation.

On 25 May 1940, the week after Wehrmacht forces reached La Manche another meeting concerning the “Jewish question” with Hitler and Himmler presence has been organized. The latter one offered “an exportation of all Jews to Africa or some colony” so that “the very definition of Jew would be erased forever”. The SS Reichsfuhrer supposed this solution to be the most suitable and harmless. At that time he considered physical genocide a “bolshevist” approach, which “as to his inner view was impossible and besides it was not a German way of solving things”. Hitler approved Himmler’s plan as a new policy. National-socialists thought the Jews deportation to some African colony “logical”. Waiting for the upcoming victory over France and Britain they thought to get their overseas territories and also strong British mercantile marines, which could be used for bringing their plans into life. Besides, having conquered several Western European territories Germans got hundreds of thousands additional Jews under their authority. Thus the previous plan of settling half a million of Jews in the “Jewish reservation” under Polish Lublin seemed to become impossible.

Originally Hitler assigned Himmler’s plan realization to Franz Rademacher, head of Jewish questions department. In 3 June 1940 the official offered to use a victory upon France for settling a considerable part of Jews “to Madagascar for instance”. Eichman sent his employees to Hamburg Institute of Tropical Medicine and Colonial Archive of Paris for information about Madagascar collection. On 18 June 1940 Hitler and Ribbentrop personally informed Benito Mussolini and the Italian foreign department minister count Ciano about the “Madagascar plan”. Himmler’s assistant, Reinhard Heydrich had been assigned as a person responsible for “territorial solution of the Jewish question”, while the Madagascar plan working out had been passed to SS competence, which were assigned to organize the “new administrative governance” in Madagascar. German MFA had to develop a peace treaty with France and Britain, a four-year plan realization department had been supposed to coordinate the use of the rest Jewish property, Fuhrer’s chancellery was responsible for logistics, the propaganda issues had been held to MFA and Hebbels personally. Finally it was SS’s question to “collect” Jews from all the Europe and send them to Madagascar.

It is well-known that this plan was not supposed to come into life – first of all because of the French government in exile which prohibited the deportation and also British government (the English promised to drown all the German vessels in Atlantics shipping the Jews to Madagascar) which denied the decision of establishing a Jewish proto-state in Africa. In the end, all the sides who participated in Second World War (including USA and Soviet Union) tried to play the Jewish card up with accordance to their own geopolitical strives. For example, in June-July 1940 the American Jewish committee performed a special research of Madagascar living conditions and admitted that mass white people settlement (hint to the Jews) is supposedly impossible.

Israel was one of the first countries to recognize the Malagasy Republic (Madagascar and the neighboring small islands) and provided considerable help in agriculture, construction and technical personnel recruitment development. In 1973 after the Yom Kippur War Madagascar cancelled all diplomatic relations with Israel. However in 1993 the diplomatic relations between the two countries were reestablished. The envoy whose residence is situated in Jerusalem represents the Malagasy Republic in Israel. The diplomatic representatives of Madagascar in the Israel capital caused vehement protests among Arabic countries and a threat of economic strike of the republic from the Arabic league.

Private-governmental partnership

Is it possible to create an alternative Jewish motherland now? How can it technically be performed?

Actually the main world event of the last 10-15 occurs right now and it is not the Iraq war (or the recent one in Yugoslavia), but negotiations between the Flemish and the Walloons concerning the civilized separation of Belgium into two independent states. Neither European Union tries to stop this event nor there any comments from European officials about this case. It looks like both EC and the elites have not only reconciled with Belgium deconstruction but they are also looking forward to this event. Actually there is something to look forward to – practically in this case post-war Yalta, Potsdam and Helsinki agreements about the border inviolability will de-jure be totally cancelled. In other words, the world is entering a new era, with the main principle that “every nation has a right for self-identity”.

We should remind that USSR, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia collapse de-jure happened within the bounds of these after war agreements – each of the new states had a status of de-facto independent republics within the former states (Belarus and Ukraine even went into congress of UN) with their own constitutions, parliaments and other attributes of (pseudo)federal status. Actually there was such a case of the “self established nation state” creation in the contemporary history – this is the independence of the East Timor declaration, where West originally simulated the “humanitarian disaster”, then the peacekeeping operation took place and finally the Nobel Prize winner Jose Ramos Horta was «assigned» as a president of a new independent state.

That is why there is no reason to doubt that in the coming 10-15 years we will witness the new world image, where not even “each nation will get the right for self-establishment” but also some small stratum like cities, confessional or political groups. Strictly speaking the process of the “private states” creation is being performed for already 5-10 years. On the contrary to the “governmental states” they are not considered subjects of the world politics. However, it is very likely that they will. Moreover, elites behind these processes are able to easily transform “private states” into the political subjects, as well as push the legal implementation of all of these.

Sebastian Pinera is considered the richest person in Chili. In 2005 he purchased his own private ecosystem. The park Tantauko, established by Pinera occupies 120 000 hectares of the biggest in Southern America island Chiloe near Patagonia. Having purchased the land, Pinera promised to protect the blue whales in the coastal zone and save the virgin forests. As in XX century yachts and personal planes used to be the symbols of success then in XXI the personal ecosystem becomes the attribute of style among those who have both yachts and planes. Billionaires purchase the lands from Patagonia to Montana for the sake of saving the blue whales and run the private-funded eco programs.

65-years old Douglas Tompkins is the elder in ecobarons’ kingdom. The creator of such brands as North Face and Esprit, Tompkins retired from his business in 1990 and spent the last 17 years multiplying his treasures – national parks. He spent $200 million for 25 territories in Chili and Argentina with total territory of 800 000 hectares purchase and landscaping. He began to protect the purchased lands (sometimes fanatically as it is said) from the very first minute of possession, never having any doubts concerning the growing movement which he calls “nature philanthropy”. In Chili Tompkins was accused for the intention of creating a Jewish community (a nice idea by the way!) and burn out the forests.

Tompkins considers the Swiss art-tycoon and philanthropist Ernst Beyler one of the key-figures in the new eco-movement. “Ernst helped my wife to purchase Chacabuco – the part of another national park in Patagonia, Chili” – says Tompkins – “He had set a charity fundraising in Switzerland. He is probably the most active among the “green” philanthropists. The park Pumalin – an ecosystem with the virgin forests, volcanoes, age-long trees and hot springs is the main object of Tompkins activity; 300 000 hectares of the park land are closed for any type of business except the small companies like Pillan, which produces ecologically clean honey.

Hans Yorg Wiss – one of the Europe’s richest men totally agrees with Tompkins. Having made $8 billions as a CEO of Syntes company, which produces the artificial vertebral discs and fracture treatment implants, Wiss started to realize an even farther-reaching rehabilitation project: American Wild West rebirth. Through his fund, Wiss invested money into nature of Utah and Montana states protection. Being a council chairman of Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance – one of the leading American nature protectors unions, Wiss established a corporation with 5-million income, share investments, mutual funds and the head-office in the business part of Salt-Lake City $1,4 millions worth. To save the Rockies land in Montana from commercial development, Wiss subsidized the rights purchase for the field development from the mining companies. Wiss proved that his millions have not been earned in vain: he drove the gas and oil businesses out of the region. Wiss’s fund was one of the first fighters in a “battle for Montana” and for the long time he kept a “buy and expel” strategy.

Even Goldman Sachs investment bank got under the influence of the new fashion. In 2003 the bank purchased 270 000 hectares of the Chili and Argentina forests. The project investments are about $18 million worth.

Our plans for the upcoming year

We propose our community members exploratory expedition to Madagascar. We expect about 5-8 people (2 jeeps) with at least one French-speaking person. The most suitable time for the trip is May-June 2008. Later we would like to organize a meeting or a series of meetings with Madagascar embassy representatives, discussing common issues. Also we consider cooperation with Russian and foreign Jewish religious and business circles sharing our idea.

- by Pavel Pryanikov


  1. I actually spent 6 months living in Mada as the natives call it. 3 out of the 6 I lived the native way, inland, in a banana leaf hut, no roads, no electricity and only wild cassava roots and green boiled bananas to eat. This country would not be kind to Jews. In the cities the merchants tend to be of Indian origin, also some Chinese, most migrated here generations ago, yet still are not viewed upon as Malagasy by the locals. Every ten years or so the president of the country is ejected among a mini revolt where the poor black masses raid and burn the Indian owned shops. In Antsirabe on the main street in town there is a jeweller called Salamin. I might be off with the spelling, but basically he is a Salamon even if it is spelled differently. It appears to be a very poor store, but one that survived the raids while the Indian brothers who sold electronics were ruined. Kind of similar situation to Fiji where larger ethnic groups are continually ejected, however on a small scale foreigners are tolerated.

  2. Same person as above...As an after thought I would add if the native Malagasy had been subdued in the past among mass Jewish migration to the island the new settlers would have struck gold literally. The island is very rich in minerals, namely precious gems and also some gold. This island would be much better off today with Jewish leadership.
